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Augmented World Expo <
Date: Wednesday, April 6, 2016
Subject: Got what it takes to win an Auggie?
sokol@videotechnology.com Only two weeks left to submit your nomination for the 2016 Auggie Awards. Submit your product/project today! | | | | Think you have what it takes to win the Auggies? Only two weeks left to submit your product or project for this year's Auggie Awards! The Auggie Awards showcase the best-of-the-best in the Augmented World. This year features 11 categories in augmented reality, virtual reality and wearable technology. Past year's winners have included CastAR, Vuforia, Epson, Orbotix, Metaio (now Apple) and more. Nominations are open now until April 21. To enter 1. Hit the button below 2. Complete the entry form 3. Submit your entry (no cost) 4. Share your nomination | | Winners are not only recognized on the world's largest stage for AR, VR and wearables at AWE USA 2016 on June 1. They will also walk away with an official Auggie trophy (below)! | | 2016 Auggie Award Categories 1. Best Headset or Smart Glasses: Connected eyewear including smart glasses, goggles, head-mounted displays (HMD), heads-up displays (HUD), and helmets 2. Best Hardware: Wearables, gesture and input devices, sensors, cameras, displays, stationary installations, chips and robotics 3. Best App: AR, VR and wearable applications available to the public in app stores 4. Best Campaign: Marketing campaigns for major brands that use AR, VR and wearable technology 5. Best Enterprise Solution: Solutions that solve business problems using AR, VR and wearable technology 6. Best Tool: Software Developer Kits, platforms and other creation tools that enable the creation of solutions and experiences in AR, VR and wearable technology 7. Best Game or Toy: Connected toy or gaming solutions that enable digital interaction with the physical world or physical interaction in the virtual world 8. Best Art or Film: Art Installations or films including design concepts and documentary films that explore the augmented or virtual world 9. Best in Show - Augmented Reality: Any presenting AR company at AWE 2016 (exhibitor, speaker) is eligible to be nominated and the winner will be selected through popular vote at the show 10. Best in Show - Virtual Reality: Any presenting VR company at AWE 2016 (exhibitor, speaker) is eligible to be nominated and the winner will be selected through popular vote at the show 11. Best in Show - Wearable Technology: Any presenting wearable tech company at AWE 2016 (exhibitor, speaker) is eligible to be nominated and the winner will be selected through popular vote at the show | | | Copyright © 2016 AugmentedReality.org, All rights reserved. Your are receiving this email because you attended previous AWE events or showed interest in Augmented World Expo. Our mailing address is: Want to change how you receive these emails? You can update your preferences or unsubscribe from this list | | | |