Ink Mapping: Video Mapping Projection on Tattoos, by Oskar & Gaspar from Oskar & Gaspar on Vimeo.
Monday, February 15, 2016
Using the Unity game engine in the iDome
The guy behind this Paul Bourke is amazing. He makes it look easy. His whole website is full of similar feats of video warping magic.
Using the Unity game engine in the iDome
Creating fisheye views with the Unity3D engine
Video Mapping,
Video Warping
Warping Fisheye Images for Spherical Mirror Projection
This post doesn’t go into any of the complex mathematics involved with spherical mirror projection. For that information I recommend using the invaluable resources at . This post explains a practical solution for projecting onto complex geometry using spherical mirrors, 3ds Max and 123D Catch.
This post doesn’t go into any of the complex mathematics involved with spherical mirror projection. For that information I recommend using the invaluable resources at . This post explains a practical solution for projecting onto complex geometry using spherical mirrors, 3ds Max and 123D Catch.
Video Rotation and Scaling Hardware
Video Rotation and Scaling Hardware
Please excuse this format, it's a raw copy of my personal notes when search for an inexpensive , LOW LATENCY, small 12V device that could rotate 1080p HDMI video for converting landscape to portrait mode high end video conferencing for a telepresence robot. see: video on my home page.
Ultimately I was able to find a company that could for $15,000 in development be able to use a $300 FPGA board that could be customized to as low as $150. Contact me for more info.
Contents |
Video Wall controller / splitter
Video Wall Controller VWBOX-114 VWBOX-122A
IEI Integration USA Tel:+1-909-595-2819 Fax:+1-909-595-2816 Email: Address: 138 University Parkway, Pomona, CA 91768, USA
Sent Inquiry
Vista System
RGB Spectrum
Video Scalers
GOOGLE : rotate video scaler
We do not have anything like this. Sorry Sincerely, Steve Lindenmeyer Western Regional Sales Manager
Analog Way
Sent Inquiry
Astro Systems
Communications Specialties
We don’t make a box that will take HD in and rotate or scale it. Sorry, but thanks for thinking of CSI. Regards, Mike ************************* Michael Fazzi Western U.S. Regional Manager CSI (Communications Specialties, Inc.) 2416 NE 18th Ave. Portland, OR 97212 Tel:503-287-3248 Web: &
Extron Electronics
Folsom Research
Kramer Electronics USA Too big/full size rack(19in.), Rotate?
RGB Spectrum Enormously massive scaler.
Silicon Optix
CNX-DVP4 4X1 Digital Video Graphic Processor
Key Digital Systems
Sorry we do not support that capability Mike Tsinberg , Robert Scarano
HD Spider KD-VP8
Other resellers
Known Working Solutions
SCALER PREMIERE VIEW PRO AV are able to reproduce the output, available both with 15-pin analog VGA and with digital DVI-D/HDMI, and to deform, enlarge, reduce, rotate the image as needed. This can be done with a very intuitive interface: a drag and drop matrix is displayed directly on the output directly to grant a simpler configuration.
Sent inquiry, waiting reply.
Aurora Multimedia
Sounds like you would need a dido JR. Please call me to discuss.
Frank Vono Inside Sales Specialist 732-591-5800 x211
Aurora Multimedia Dido Pro, $4200, rotation!, 8.4" x 5.7" x 1", 1.2 lbs
The DIDO Pro is an extremely compact and powerful, multipurpose video processor. It is a high resolution, quad image scaler with the ability to rotate the displayed image windows in ninety degree increments.
Aurora announces DIDO (ASR-44 for Pioneer)
he ASR-44 has a picture-in-picture (PiP) generator and audio-follow-video capability, and it can rotate, stretch, and crop multiple images at once. $4200
Calibre $2,867.00 USD $2163, rotation, small enough
Colorado Video
Video Rotator Model NVVN424CS
- ONLY NTSC $929.00
- Rotate!, $1200, doesn't do 90
Dear John, Thank you for your inquiry about rotating video 90 degrees. Colorado Video’s NVVN424CS will rotate NTSC standard definition video 90, 180 and 270 degrees. You can view details at . Please have a look at this web page contact me again if you need more information or care to place an order. Sincerely, Kirk Fowler COLORADO VIDEO, INC.
TV One
- Too big, Rotate?
The CORIOMaster Mini is 1 RU in height. 160W power consumption. It lists for $10995 for the chassis. Input/output cards vary on price.
Hi John, Thank you for your inquiry. Please provide me with your companies location so I can put you into contact with the appropriate Regional Sales Manager. Thanks, Kelly Broderick | Marketing Manager | +1 (859) 282-7303 phone | +1 (513) 490-5629 mobile | | 2791 Circleport Drive, Erlanger, KY 41018 We have our CorioMaster product which can rotate images in 1 degree increments. Let me know how I can help. Thanks, Steve Steve Sherk | Regional Sales Mgr. –Western US | +1 (562) 627-6828 phone | +1 (562) 308-8602 mobile | | TV One, 2791 Circleport Drive, Erlanger, KY 41018 |
VITEC - Video Innovations - Focus Enhancements Nothing
Sent Inquiry
I have received a response back from engineering. We currently have a PCIe board that has SDI & HDMI inputs and HDMI output. We could develop the rotation microcode in the FPGA and deliver the board with a serial link to control it. The size is small about 4’’x4’’x1’’. The only thing you would need is power supply (5V TBD). We would have only HDMI output (no VGA and no DVI-a, only DVI-d = HDMI). Please let me know if this is something you’re interested in pursuing. Michael Chorpash Vice President of Sales VITEC Office: 650-230-2562 Mobile: 818-324-4658 Email: Corporate:
- Silicon Image is supposed to have related ASICs.
Chipset to search on
Anchor Bay -> acquired by marvel
Sunday, February 14, 2016
Versacorp Patents: Optical systems for panoramic imaging
Versacorp has developed innovative patented optical systems, display systems, and panoramic imaging accessories. Some of the Versacorp patents available for license are shown below.
Versacorp (TM, SM) Technology Transfer Opportunities for:
Versacorp has developed innovative patented optical systems, display systems, and panoramic imaging accessories. Some of the Versacorp patents available for license are shown below.
Versacorp (TM, SM) Technology Transfer Opportunities for:
- Omniramix (TM) ultra wide angle optical systems and virtual reality environments. See the abstract page of related U.S. patents 6,333,826 and 6,449,103.
- Omnirama (TM) Portable Wide Angle Optical Systems for “one shot” 360 Degree Panoramic Imaging and Surveillance. (U.S. Patent 6,333,826 "Omniramic Optical System Having Central Coverage Means Which Is Associated With A Camera, Projector, Or Similar Article". Jeffrey R. Charles, Inventor; Filed in 1998 (claims benefit of 1997 provisional application), issued Dec. 2001. - 67 Claims.)
- OmniLens (TM) Advanced Omni-directional Optical Systems with up to Full Sphere Coverage in one picture. (U.S. Patent 6,449,103 "Solid Catadioptric Omnidirectional Optical System Having Central Coverage Means Which Is Associated With A Camera, Projector, Medical Instrument, Or Similar Article". Jeffrey R. Charles, Inventor; Filed in 1998 (claims benefit of 1997 provisional application), issued Sep. 2002. - 137 Claims.)
- OmniFlector (TM) and VersaFlector (TM) wide angle reflectors. (U.S. Patent 6,333,826)
- Total Immersion VR (TM) and Omnimmersion (TM, SM) Omnimmersive (TM) Virtual Reality Environments and Displays. (U.S. Patents 6,333,826, 6,449,103, and Patent Pending)
- Versarama (TM) Automatic Motorized Indexing Rotary Camera Platforms for Panoramas
- Image processing for transformation of circular and rectangular panoramic images, including correction for pointing errors (U.S. Patent 6,333,826 and patent pending.)
- Versacorp (TM, SM) innovative optical instruments for astronomy, photography, surveillance:
- DiaGuider (TM) and VersAgonal (TM) patented multiple flip mirror systems (U.S. Patents D295,871, D310,381, D310,676)
- VersaScope (TM) Optics for photo-visual use of ED telephoto camera lenses
- MicroStar focusing system, VersaFocus zero backlash focusing attachment
- SunZapper (TM) sun shades and occulting objects for ultra wide angle optics. (U.S. Patents 6,333,826 and 6,449,103)
- Other innovative optical accessories and adapters
Saturday, February 13, 2016
Friday, February 12, 2016
Thursday, February 11, 2016
Monday, February 08, 2016
Panoramic Video from Unstructured Camera Arrays
Link to publication page:
We describe an algorithm for generating panoramic video from unstructured camera arrays. Artifact-free panorama stitching is impeded by parallax between input views. Common strategies such as multi-level blending or minimum energy seams produce seamless results on quasi-static input. However, on video input these approaches introduce noticeable visual artifacts due to lack of global temporal and spatial coherence. In this paper we extend the basic concept of local warping for parallax removal. Firstly, we introduce an error measure with increased sensitivity to stitching artifacts in regions with pronounced structure. Using this measure, our method efficiently finds an optimal ordering of pair-wise warps for robust stitching with minimal parallax artifacts. Weighted extrapolation of warps in non-overlap regions ensures temporal stability, while at the same time avoiding visual discontinuities around transitions between views. Remaining global deformation introduced by the warps is spread over the entire panorama domain using constrained relaxation, while staying as close as possible to the original input views. In combination, these contributions form the first system for spatiotemporally stable panoramic video stitching from unstructured camera array input.
360 Degree Bullet Time Camera Array - Light Painting
Published on Sep 8, 2015
48 cameras. No CGI Animation or VFX. All imagery in this video was created in camera.
*Note - due to the limitations of internet streaming and re-compression from youtube, the video has blocky pixelation at times when there is more motion/detail/color than can be handled by youtube's compression
Filmed at Hill Theatre Studio (Paulsboro, NJ)
*Note - due to the limitations of internet streaming and re-compression from youtube, the video has blocky pixelation at times when there is more motion/detail/color than can be handled by youtube's compression
Filmed at Hill Theatre Studio (Paulsboro, NJ)
camera array,
light painting
Imagine Google's VR gadget without the cardboard. Google does
Imagine Google's VR gadget without the cardboard. Google does
Google Cardboard,
virtual reality
LEIA 3D - Light field display - Holographic display module
“There has been very little innovation in the basic physics for making 3-D images since early in the 20th century. This new display is transforming a technology that’s been around for 100 years.” – MIT Tech Review
They have developed an holographic technology that makes it possible to deliver collaborative 3D experiences through an interactive display with no eye wear required.
Every standard LCD display has a component called a backlight. A backlight is comprised of an LED light source and light guide, which directs light toward the display’s pixels. Once light passes through them images appear on the display as the LCD selectively blocks varying amounts of light at each pixel.
LEIA 3D’s technology replaces the standard light guide with a much more sophisticated one that has nanoscale gratings. Our new light guide delivers more control over the direction that light travels before it reaches the pixel array, and can direct a single ray of light to a single given pixel on the display.

This diffractive “multiview backlight” allows the projection of different images in different directions of space with smooth, gradual transitions between views. The result is content that looks 3D from any viewpoint, by any number of viewers, with a seamless sense of parallax—without the breaks, ghost images, or “bad spots” that are commonly experienced in lenticular displays. The visual experience is remarkable and provides a much wider field of view with the ability to update content at video rate.
“There has been very little innovation in the basic physics for making 3-D images since early in the 20th century. This new display is transforming a technology that’s been around for 100 years.” – MIT Tech Review
They have developed an holographic technology that makes it possible to deliver collaborative 3D experiences through an interactive display with no eye wear required.
Every standard LCD display has a component called a backlight. A backlight is comprised of an LED light source and light guide, which directs light toward the display’s pixels. Once light passes through them images appear on the display as the LCD selectively blocks varying amounts of light at each pixel.
LEIA 3D’s technology replaces the standard light guide with a much more sophisticated one that has nanoscale gratings. Our new light guide delivers more control over the direction that light travels before it reaches the pixel array, and can direct a single ray of light to a single given pixel on the display.

This diffractive “multiview backlight” allows the projection of different images in different directions of space with smooth, gradual transitions between views. The result is content that looks 3D from any viewpoint, by any number of viewers, with a seamless sense of parallax—without the breaks, ghost images, or “bad spots” that are commonly experienced in lenticular displays. The visual experience is remarkable and provides a much wider field of view with the ability to update content at video rate.
- 64 views (8×8) full-parallax, field of view (FOV) of 60deg
- 200×200 pixels per view, total LCD resolution 1600×1600
- 8bit monochrome output (color can be adjusted, default is white)
- HDMI video input at 60fps, tiled or swizzled view supported.
- powered directly via USB cable, no battery needed
- Capacitive “Hover-Touch” panel, senses your fingers in proximity to the display and lets you interact with holograms without touching the screen (Haptics not available with this model.)
- Gyro / Accelerometer
3D Display,
light field
Not So Super Streaming – We Can Do MUCH Better…..
A little post Superbowl rant.
As we look historically at and plan for future events of this same ilk, we see some common themes. Extensive preparation is one. Redundancy is another. Lately, the native ability to switch content delivery networks (CDNs) on the fly, so that your event has multiple paths to its viewers is key. Some of the aforementioned part failures happened because of a variety of things. From a visibility standpoint, these snafus tend to happen when audiences are largest, which drives the incorrect perception that streaming and OTT technology isn’t ready to handle the largest global events. Hogwash.
So as you nurse your post-Super Bowl heartburn and headache, realize that the reason your Apple TV app, web browser and phone couldn’t play last night’s stream was because someone or a group of people didn’t plan well and think through their design – not that the technology and infrastructure were unable to handle the load. There’s always next year.
–Matt Smith, Chief Evangelist, Anvato
Sunday, February 07, 2016
Light Field Imaging: The Future of VR-AR-MR
Published on Nov 24, 2015
Presented by the VES Vision Committee. Presentation by Jon Karafin, Head of Light Field Video for Lytro, followed by a Q&A with all presenters moderated by Scott Squires, VES. View Parts 1-3, as well as an amazing 360 video of the Panel with all presenters at
Event - Light Field Imaging: The Future of VR-AR-MR (Los Angeles)
Tue Nov 17, 2015
6:30pm to 9:30pm
(Image from Light Field Capture device – Photo provided by Lytro)
Light Field Imaging is a technology designed to capture and re-create light rays in a three dimensional scene. It has applications in entertainment, consumer devices, industrial applications and medical imaging. The presentations will cover the latest research in this technology which promises to revolutionize virtual, augmented and mixed reality.
Check out videos of the event at the links below:
Watch 360 degree video here:
Principal Speakers:
Paul Debevec, Chief Visual Officer, USC Institute for Creative Technologies, will present the latest technologies being developed at USC ICT on light fields and photoreal virtual actors for Virtual Reality. He will cover the areas of high-resolution face scanning, real-time photoreal digital characters, and light field capture and playback for creating breathtaking realistic and interactive VR content.
Mark Bolas, Director for Mixed Reality Research at USC Institute for Creative Technologies, will describe the MxR Lab and Studio’s recent work on: Discovering Near Field VR Stop Motion with a Touch of Light Fields and a Dash of Redirection which won the Best VR/AR competition at SIGGRAPH 2015.
Jules Urbach, Founder & CEO of OTOY will discuss OTOY’s cutting edge light field rendering toolset and platform.
Jon Karafin, Head of Light Field Video for Lytro, a company which develops light field cameras will discuss light field technologies and their application in visual effects workflows, cinematography and virtual reality as well as the next generation of state-of-the-art capture systems
Moderator: Scott Squires, VES, Academy Tech Award Winning Visual Effects Supervisor and Developer
Presented by the VES Vision Committee. Presentation by Jon Karafin, Head of Light Field Video for Lytro, followed by a Q&A with all presenters moderated by Scott Squires, VES. View Parts 1-3, as well as an amazing 360 video of the Panel with all presenters at
Event - Light Field Imaging: The Future of VR-AR-MR (Los Angeles)
Tue Nov 17, 2015
6:30pm to 9:30pm
(Image from Light Field Capture device – Photo provided by Lytro)
Light Field Imaging is a technology designed to capture and re-create light rays in a three dimensional scene. It has applications in entertainment, consumer devices, industrial applications and medical imaging. The presentations will cover the latest research in this technology which promises to revolutionize virtual, augmented and mixed reality.
Check out videos of the event at the links below:
Watch 360 degree video here:
Principal Speakers:
Paul Debevec, Chief Visual Officer, USC Institute for Creative Technologies, will present the latest technologies being developed at USC ICT on light fields and photoreal virtual actors for Virtual Reality. He will cover the areas of high-resolution face scanning, real-time photoreal digital characters, and light field capture and playback for creating breathtaking realistic and interactive VR content.
Mark Bolas, Director for Mixed Reality Research at USC Institute for Creative Technologies, will describe the MxR Lab and Studio’s recent work on: Discovering Near Field VR Stop Motion with a Touch of Light Fields and a Dash of Redirection which won the Best VR/AR competition at SIGGRAPH 2015.
Jules Urbach, Founder & CEO of OTOY will discuss OTOY’s cutting edge light field rendering toolset and platform.
Jon Karafin, Head of Light Field Video for Lytro, a company which develops light field cameras will discuss light field technologies and their application in visual effects workflows, cinematography and virtual reality as well as the next generation of state-of-the-art capture systems
Moderator: Scott Squires, VES, Academy Tech Award Winning Visual Effects Supervisor and Developer
camera array,
depth camera,
light field
Next-Generation Video Encoding Techniques for 360 Video and VR
An interesting way to preprocess equirectangular 360-degree videos in order to reduce their file size.
virtual reality
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