Monday, August 22, 2011

Fwd: Meet intoPIX JPEG2000 solutions at IBC!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Raiffa Lanove <>
Date: Mon, Aug 22, 2011 at 1:27 AM
Subject: Meet intoPIX JPEG2000 solutions at IBC!

IMAGE MATTERS, it's your job.
Meet intoPIX JPEG 2000 solutions at IBC!

Discover our latest  JPEG 2000 FPGA IP-cores
focusing on ultra low latency, high resolution and lossless quality.

Discover our range of JPEG 2000 PRISTINE encoder/decoder boards.
With four 3G-SDI links and PCIe 8x bus,
the PRISTINE boards support HD, 2K, 4K and 3D.

Secure a private meeting to discuss your application !

Ultra Low Latency
JPEG 2000 IP-cores with
a full encoding/decoding cycle
of less than 10ms latency in full HD

3D in action
PRISTINE JPEG 2000 board for 3D Stereoscopic encoding , decoding and streaming at very high bitrates in HD and 4K
Amazing 4K
Our unique JPEG 2000 solution to encode, stream and decode 4K content in real-time

Lossless Archiving
Your partner for efficient compression boards, ready to tackle any resolution in a mathematically lossless mode
Schedule a Private Meeting
Learn More about intoPIX
Get a Free Pass (Code : AWEX /10312)

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