Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Internet statistics

Marie Stolt
Mon, Jul 2, 2007 at 2:00 AM

To: videotechmag

My name is Marie Stolt and I'm doing a project for Ericsson. I've read THE article -"The next wave of Massive Disruption to the U.S. Peering ecosystem"- and looked at the references and found your homepage and an article from John L. Sokol. I'm looking for traffic statistics for wireline and wireless networks(data, not voice) but with an emphasize on wireline networks.
Information of interest are:
    • How much data in terms of Minute of Use, or Byte per month.(Find this very hard to find, the operators are very secretive with this information- where can I get it?)
    • The internet usage (in average).
    • How has it developed by time
    • What type of applications!!(music, mobile-tv ...)
    • Methodology used to collect traffic data
    • Trends in terms of usage over they day, over the week, over the month, last couple of years
    Alll information I can get on this subject is of interest.
You really seem to have an insight in the topic and may have some thoughts to share.
Also, If you have any facts or thoughts about how internet-user changes their usage and go mobile I'm very interested. How many will use their mobile phone to access the internet instead of their computers, which applications will be used most?Why is the datatraffic increasing so much?
I would really appreciate all your help!
Thank you
Best regards
Marie Stolt
Editor videotechnology
Mon, Jul 2, 2007 at 9:06 AM

To: "Marie Stolt
Cc: Leveious Rolando

Oh wow, I had no idea someone referenced my work. Cool.

My view on this subject comes from the underlying hardware and software, and what is technically possible. I also consult with many companies and so I get lots of little data points here and there and from my network of friends.

"Economics of video" was written because I got tired of repeating myself to people about what the technology is capable of. So many people would overlook the cost of scaling up such a systems and it's inherent long term costs.

Many of the number you ask are very tightly guarded secrets. You will not get them.

Data traffic is increasing because it's needed.
Download as a model is terrible, Streaming will ultimately win and probably with a pay to play model.
1.) because no one want to manage MP3's and video files.
2.) bandwidth will be available and carriers want to sell it.
3.) Music companies want more control over there content.

Steve Job's download model is only a temporary fix till the technology catches up.

In the US we are very far behind. In china and Europe people have had MP3 capable phones for years even though we are just starting to see them here in the past year.

Music and Video will drive data, then video conferencing. At some point the cell phone will replace USB Flash Drives, PDA's and just about anything else you carry including your ID's and wallet.
But why pay and download one song or later movie at a time when you can just have access to a pool of Millions of songs and movies. And at some point vidoe blogs and the blog sphere.
Kids will just point there phones at someone blog web site and just take advice from that person as to what is cool to listen too next. and it will be much like radio but much more niche, group of friends oriented.
and non-realtime meaning, more like a PVR, you can stop or go back to what was playing an hour ago.

Streaming will ultimately drive the data services. But for today it mostly download and Internet.

I will forward this to a friend who is very close to the Cell phone stuff, he researches this full time, I spend much of yesterday with him chatting on this very subject. His name is Leveious Rolando and has a really understanding of this market.


leveious rolando
Wed, Jul 4, 2007 at 1:25 PM

Reply-To: leveious
To: videotechmag
Cc: john.sokol

Hello Ms Stolts ..
How are you I apologize not getting back to you ..
John ask me to write you .. Inregards to a a Project via Ericsson
May i ask you if you are writting a " White Paper"! below is the questions you wrote to john regarding in ground breaking paper on subject of
"Economics of video" I can answer some those questions or i know who and what research firms send you To

First all all the music and mobile tv in Europe is driven by life style culture in regards to certain types of youth and Migration of Asain youth from Korean-Japanese-Isreali to American cities( back forth) these are the groups and sub-culture who have driven Mobile phones in to the market place..
many of them have 2 to 3 phones on the average and this is what alot people are not aware ..
they might have T- Side kick and another phone that is pay as you go ..and one phone that is paid Monthly.
You must give me a few days to excess the information and We have proposal for you in doing so.!

Cordially Yours
Leveious Rolando

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