Monday, December 05, 2011

TV Isn't Broken, So Why Fix It?

So little insight.

What's happening is the Tsunami that is the Internet has washed over industry after industry as it's speed and reliability has improved. TV now finds itself the next set of businesses suddenly knee deep in an ocean of rising cheap bandwidth. How will they fare compared to their fellow media companies that lived a little lower down in bandwidth requirements such as the newspapers, music labels, and telephone companies?

From Slashdot:

TV Isn't Broken, So Why Fix It?

Posted by Soulskill 
from the no-i-do-not-want-to-wear-3d-glasses-to-watch-tv dept.

PolygamousRanchKid sends this quote from a contentious article at CNN that questions the need for further development of TVs and the entire TV-viewing experience."The technology industry is absolutely bent on reinventing television. ... But nobody seems to be able to answer the big question: what exactly is so broken about TV anyway? The tech industry is filled with engineers and geeks. They naturally want to optimize the TV experience, to make it as efficient and elegant as possible, requiring the fewest number of steps to complete a particular task while offering the greatest number of amazing new features. But normal people don't think about TV that way. TV is passive. The last thing we want to do is work at it. ... As long as there's something on — anything — that is reasonably engaging, we're cool. Most of us are even OK spending a few minutes just shuffling through channels at random."So, what do you think is broken about TV right now? Is there a point at which it'd be better for us to stand back and say: "We've done what we can with this. Let's work on something else."

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